Transport Station
U-Bahn Jungfernstieg (U1, U2, U4)
Hauptbahnhof (U1, U2, U3, U4)
Gänsemarkt (U2)
Rathausmarkt (U3)
S-Bahn Jungfernstieg S1, S2, S3, S21, S31
Hauptbahnhof (S1, S2, S3, S21, S31)
Stadtrad bike
rental stations

There will be special bays for private bicycles.

Neuer Jungfernstieg – At Lombardsbrücke including a bicycle repair station

A secure parking stand at Gänsemarkt

The event site is not suitable for bicycles or electric scooters and riding bikes or scooters on the event site is prohibited!

Accessible travel All stations and stops have a lift or lowered kerbs.
Disabled parking

The disabled parking spaces inside the event site will be closed for the duration of the Festival; you can find alternative spaces here:

  • Großer Burstah outside house number 1 (new building)
  • Ferdinandstraße outside house numbers 15-17 and Ferdinandstraße outside house number 75
  • Neuer Jungfernstieg outside house number 19
Taxi ranks

Taxi ranks inside the event site will also be closed. Temporary taxi ranks are here:

  • Großer Burstah outside house number 1 (new building)
  • Poststraße outside house numbers 25-27
  • Ferdinandstraße outside house number 41

The real-time map of the Hamburg police provides information


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